Valuation of CRE in a Volatile Market Using TheAnalyst PRO
Key Takeaways from our Webinar:Valuation of CRE in a Volatile Market Using TheAnalyst PRO
Presented by:
Todd Kuhlmann, CCIM, Founder & CEO of TheAnalyst® PRO by CRE Tech®, Inc.
As the market variables keep changing, investors and CRE professionals are working hard to stay on top of investment values.
In our presentation we examined how to take these factors into consideration when evaluating investment property.
Then using TheAnalyst PRO to do so quickly with presentable results.
Our presentation included:
-- Variables that impact CAP Rates (an update on where we are today)
-- Future exit (going out) CAP Rate prediction
-- Determining market CAP/pricing trend
Other Valuation Factors to Calculate:
-- Determining NOI
-- Capitalizing at current market CAP Rates
A property case study utilizing the analysis and presentation tools in TheAnalyst PRO - beneficial to both Buyers and Sellers.
View the entire recorded webinar here
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Posted on: 9-28-2022 6:03PM EDT